Sunday 25 September 2022

"D" is for Divisiveness

19-2-25 Heather Mac Donald - Delusion of Diversity Destroying Common Humanity > .
24-2-15 Real DEI (PRA) Program [Divisive Extremist Ideology] - New Discources > .

Is the dedication to diversity undermining American culture? In her book The Diversity Delusion, Heather Mac Donald argues that the focus on race and gender diversity is harming society. Mac Donald and Peter Robinson discuss how she was protested off of school campuses by students because of her ideas. They discuss the collapse of free-speech ideals on college campuses in the United States and how the dedication to diversity doesn’t extend to a diversity of thought.
Mac Donald also breaks down issues of gender and racial equality. She talks about how affirmative action has not had the impact that was intended and has in fact made attending college more difficult for minorities who are accepted to schools they are not ready for. She also goes on to analyze rape culture on college campuses and posits her theories as to why discussions of sexual violence have become more prevalent now than in the past.

Friday 23 September 2022

F is for Failing Attitudes

Not necessarily actual anti-mathematics apologetics, but illustrative of dangerous anti-meritocratic defense mechanisms .......... aka, obdurate ego-protective "weakist" fallacies of logic

Bari Weiss: Why DEI Must End For Good - Free Press > . 

F is for "Free Speech"

History of Free Speech in USA - Wondrium >

F is for "Foul, FAUX, Fake, Fetid"

23-6-19 The Murdoch Succession - Led By Donkeys > .

Wednesday 14 September 2022

"O" is for Obedience

22-11-23 Why Russians don't protest — Third Wave experiment (English subs) > .A dramatization of a social experiment conducted by a high school teacher to demonstrate society's vulnerability to totalitarian control.Experiment in Palo Alto, California, proves that what happened in Nazi Germany was not unique to that time or place. Indeed, people of all nations and races are subject to the same basic impulses that can drive organized violence and aggression when exploited by one or a few skilled manipulators.

Saturday 10 September 2022