Thursday 16 May 2024

Why Bertie's Teapot?


"A later conviction for publicly lecturing against inviting the United States to enter the war on the United Kingdom's side resulted in six months' imprisonment in Brixton Prison (see Bertrand Russell's political views) in 1918. He later said of his imprisonment:"
I found prison in many ways quite agreeable. I had no engagements, no difficult decisions to make, no fear of callers, no interruptions to my work. I read enormously; I wrote a book, "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy"... and began the work for "The Analysis of Mind". I was rather interested in my fellow-prisoners, who seemed to me in no way morally inferior to the rest of the population, though they were on the whole slightly below the usual level of intelligence as was shown by their having been caught.
Bertie's Teapot .. 
Oligarchy & Greedy Oligarchic Partisanship ..

Atheism . Authoritarianism . Bertie . Books . Cognitive Forays . Dicktionary . Education . Historiography . Humor . Information . Media . Neo-Puritan Damage . Personality Dysfunction . Philosophical Ramblings . Politics . Religionism & Superstition . Resisting Prejudice . Sociopolitical Malfeasance . Written Bloopers .

Слава Гонконгу - Slava Honkonhu

19-9-17 "Glory to Hong Kong" - Anthem of The Hong Kong Protests (subs) > .

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Strife is Lucrative

"This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." AIJAC has been terminated?! Since the channel was legitimate, this must be attributable to a concerted attack by Islamist trolls. It appears that Islamist war against ALL other religions is underway. Western nations, in their insistence on
naïve kindness, have allowed the enemy to lie their way into our societies. We will regret the naïveté of our liberal democratic governments and the folly of tolerating "weakist" reverse-discrimination.

Why is Islamism a problem?

The Arab world: Area = 13,132,327 km2 (= 630 times the area of Israel)
                              Population = 456,520,777
Israel: Area = 22,072 or 20,770 km2; 
            Population = estimated at 9,883,520 (2024) 
            [73% Jews; 21% Arabs; 6% others]

456,520,777 vs 9,883,520. Which is the underdog?

As of 2023, the world's core Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15.7 million, which is approximately 0.2% of the 8 billion worldwide population.

Adherents of Islam constitute the world's second largest religious group. A projection by the PEW suggests that Muslims numbered approximately 1.9 billion followers in 2020.

15,7 million Jews vs 1.9 billion Muslims. Which is the underdog?

The only actual solution involving a distinct state for Arabs who call themselves Palestinians (Gaza plus West Bank), would be to relocate the "Palestinians" to a newly independent state somewhere within vast Arab lands. The difficulty, of course, is that Arab leaders do not want these troublesome people.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Sunday 11 February 2024


24-2-11 Two-States is NOT the solution (So what is?) - traveling > .
21-3-24 Did Israel Expel Palestinians? - Unpacked > .
24-2-15 Bari Weiss c Natan Sharansky: Epidemic of Weakist Antisemitism - Free > .
Countering Islamist DISinformation - Guy Lewis >> .

is a modern Latin word, the neuter plural gerundive form of prōpāgāre, meaning 'to spread' or 'to propagate', thus propaganda means the things which are to be propagated.

 Nazi Propaganda poster of 27th SS Volunteer Division Langemarck with anti semitic title: "Together we will crush him!".

Scapegoating is the practice of singling out a person or group for unmerited blame and consequent negative treatment. Scapegoating may be conducted by individuals against individuals, individuals against groups, groups against individuals, and groups against groups.

Minorities, particularly minorities perceived as different and/or comparatively weak, make "ideal" scapegoats for those intent on blaming others for their own mistakes and/or misfortune.  

A scapegoat may be an adult, child, sibling, employee, peer, ethnic, political or religious group, or country. A whipping boy, identified patient, or "fall guy" are forms of scapegoat.

The term "scapegoating" has its origins in the scapegoat ritual of atonement described in chapter 16 of the Biblical Book of Leviticus, in which a goat (or ass) is released into the wilderness bearing all the sins of the community, which have been placed on the goat's head by a priest.

Genocidal Islamists ..

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Epidemic of Unjustified Hate

23-11-17 Epidemic of Hate: Antisemitism on the rise - NBC > .
24-3-3 Muslim "Pro-Palestine" Hypocrisy | Truth about War - Kelsi Sheren > . 
24-2-29 What It Means to Choose Freedom - Bari Weiss - Free Press > .
24-5-12 Terrorists LIE: Actual Civilian Toll in Gaza - Sam Harris > .
Historic antisemitism 
Far Wrong In The US And Europe | The Politics Of Hate (2017) | Full Film > .

Islam: Centuries of intersectarian conflict. Infiltration of other cultures followed by terrorist attacks, murders over cartoons, mass protests inspired by Judaeicidal motives, hypocritical mass protests in support of anti-semitic interests.

Jews: Centuries of unjustified blame for "sins" never committed. Unfortunately, the Jews have become, like other minorities such as homosexuals, a go-to target of sanctioned scapegoating.  

1.8 billion versus 14 million. Who's the underdog?

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Intellectual Degradation

24-2-15 Real DEI (PRA) Program [Divisive Extremist Ideology] - New Discources > .23-12-12 Ivy-League Anti-Semitism with Bari Weiss - Hoover > .

Debt Crisis 

Militaristic Indoctrination of Children