Friday, 23 October 2020

Fascism - Tribalist Vengeance

The 10 tactics of fascism | Jason Stanley | Big Think > .

Bertrand Russell on the rise of fascism "First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent."        

“Fascism is not an ordered set of beliefs, like laissez-faire or Socialism or Communism; it is essentially an emotional protest, part of those members of the middle-class (such as small shopkeepers) who suffer from modern economic developments, partly of anarchic industrial magnates whose love of power has grown into megalomania. It is irrational, in the sense that it cannot achieve what its supporters desire; there is no philosophy of Fascism, but only psychoanalysis. If it could succeed, the result would be widespread misery; but its inability to find a solution for the problem of war makes it impossible that it should succeed for more than a brief moment.”
― Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays .

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