Tuesday 27 October 2020

BoJo 101: Open Mouth, Change Feet

22-3-23 Ex-Ukrainian president asks Johnson not to compare war to Brexit > .

Ukraine war: Boris Johnson sparks fury after comparison to BrexTWITBoris [Buffoon] Johnson has been criticised for comparing the struggle of Ukrainians fighting Russia's invasion to people in Britain voting for BrexTWIT. In a speech he said Britons, like Ukrainians, had the instinct "to choose freedom" and cited the 2016 vote to leave the EU as a "recent example".

The comments have caused anger among politicians both in the UK and Europe. Donald Tusk, the former president of the European Council, called the comments offensive. Conservative peer Lord Barwell said voting in a referendum was not "in any way comparable with risking your life" in a war, while Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said it was an "insult" to Ukrainians.

The row comes as the prime minister strongly urged China to condemn the Russian invasion in an interview with the Sunday Times. He suggested Beijing was having "second thoughts" about its neutral stance.

[BoJo is an utter waste of an expensive education.]

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