Monday 25 May 2020

"Diversity" - Wokish Equivocation

ώ Diversity: A Translation from the Wokish | James Lindsay > .
Ẃokish Equivocation - Blake >> .

In Wokish “Diversity” means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference. Diversity is a set of [CRT-dictated] conscious practices that involve:
  • Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment;
  • Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own;
  • Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also [particularly dangerous] ways of knowing;
  • Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others;
  • Building alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination. [But not, apparently, differences of opinion expressed by individuals in designated out-groups, such as whites, males in power positions, writings by white historic individuals in power positions, prominent females who understand that there are two biological sexes and that youth are too inexperienced, and thus identity-labile, to make life-changing physical decisions about hormone levels and genitalia].
Other ώokish terms: Ally/Allyship; Bias; Critical; Desegregation; Discourses; Disrupt; Diversity; Dominance; Epistemic injustice; Epistemic oppression; Epistemic violence; Equity; Exclusion; Gender; Hegemony; Identity; Knowledge(s); Lived experience; Marginalization; Meritocracy (ideology); Master’s tools; Minoritize; Misogyny; Objectivity; Oppression; Position; Positivism; Privilege; Problematize; Queer; Racism (systemic); Realities; Reality; Science; Social Justice; Standpoint epistemology; Systemic power; Theory; Tolerance; Truth; Ways of knowing; White; Whiteness;

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