Sunday 24 May 2020

"Equity" - Wokish Equivocation

ώ Equity: A Translation from the Wokish | James Lindsay > .
Ẃokish Equivocation - Blake >> .

In Critical Social Justice, the meaning of “equity” takes pains to distinguish itself from that of “equality.” Where equality means that citizen A and citizen B are treated equally, equity means “adjusting shares in order to make citizens A and B equal (along lines concocted by SJWs.” In that sense, equity is something like a kind of “social communism”—the intentional redistribution of shares, not necessarily along lines of existing economic disparity, but in order to adjust for and correct current and historical injustices—both realistic injustices and those imagined by the various critical theories (specifically, Theory—see also, critical race Theory, queer Theory, gender studies, fat studies, disability studies, and postcolonial Theory). In the CRT model, “equity” requires providing some ["victim"] identity groups [non-white, non-cis-female] additional privileges in order to redress the perceived imbalance.

Other ώokish terms: Ally/Allyship; Bias; Critical; Desegregation; Discourses; Disrupt; Diversity; Dominance; Epistemic injustice; Epistemic oppression; Epistemic violence; Equity; Exclusion; Gender; Hegemony; Identity; Knowledge(s); Lived experience; Marginalization; Meritocracy (ideology); Master’s tools; Minoritize; Misogyny; Objectivity; Oppression; Position; Positivism; Privilege; Problematize; Queer; Racism (systemic); Realities; Reality; Science; Social Justice; Standpoint epistemology; Systemic power; Theory; Tolerance; Truth; Ways of knowing; White; Whiteness;

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