Wednesday 20 May 2020

"Inclusion" - Wokish Equivocation

ώ Inclusion: A Translation from the Wokish | James Lindsay > .
Ẃokish Equivocation - Blake >> .

Inclusion, in the general sense of the word, means to welcome everybody (in context: into a particular space). That is, to be inclusive is not to exclude anybody. Exclusionary-CRT-inclusion, in a Critical Social Justice sense, refers to something subtly different that extends that idea in a particular way. It means to create a [preferentially] welcoming environment specifically for groups considered marginalized, and this entails the exclusion of anything [and any messenger] that could feel unwelcoming to any identity groups (see also, safe space). This is because everything in Critical Social Justice must be understood in terms of systemic power dynamics that it Theorizes characterize all of social, if not material, reality.
Exclusionary-CRT-inclusion is an expansive concept that could apply to silencing certain ideas like conservatism, meritocracy, or support for freedom of speech, usually in the name of safety and preventing the “trauma” or “violence” that such ideas could inflict upon progressives who see them as ideologies that perpetuate systemic harm.
On some occasions, to be inclusive of members of marginalized groups, inclusion has been used to justify excluding people considered privileged, like men, straight people, and white people, or to limit their numbers, seat them at the back of a gathering, or ask them to listen silently (see also, shut up and listen and progressive stack).

Other ώokish terms: Ally/Allyship; Bias; Critical; Desegregation; Discourses; Disrupt; Diversity; Dominance; Epistemic injustice; Epistemic oppression; Epistemic violence; Equity; Exclusion; Gender; Hegemony; Identity; Knowledge(s); Lived experience; Marginalization; Meritocracy (ideology); Master’s tools; Minoritize; Misogyny; Objectivity; Oppression; Position; Positivism; Privilege; Problematize; Queer; Racism (systemic); Realities; Reality; Science; Social Justice; Standpoint epistemology; Systemic power; Theory; Tolerance; Truth; Ways of knowing; White; Whiteness;

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