Friday 9 April 2021

Testosterone = performance-enhancing drug

[I rarely agree with conservatives, but a female would be accused of cheating if she took performance-enhancing testosterone. Even though a trans-female now needs estrogen to offset biological maleness, "she" had years of testosterone effect whilst still male. Trans-females deserve fair treatment, but so do the majority who were born female. Bullying of a majority for the sake of a tiny minority is not equitable.]

Caitlyn Jenner opposes trans girls in women's sports as unfairCaitlyn Jenner, candidate for California governor and former Olympic gold medallist, says she opposes trans girls participating in women's sports. Ms Jenner, who came out as a trans woman in 2015, told a reporter: "It just isn't fair. And we have to protect girls' sports in our schools."

[In addition, although genuinely gender dysphoric individuals ought to be treated fairly, a) athletically-ambitions under-performing male children and youths should not be given an incentive for a life-transforming transforming transition that they might ultimately regret. b) given that the vast majority of sexual harassment and assault is perpetrated by males against mostly females, females should be protected from any heterosexual males who choose to "identify" as "female" in order to gain access to naked females. 

In other words, most "trans-phobia" is directed at males transitioning to female because maleness is associated with actual danger to the hard-won rights of females — hence justified complaints by feminists. Actual physical danger to trans-males comes from a subset of males, not from females  witness the murder of trans-women by males, not by females. Those who transition from female to male without having had the advantage of somatic in utero and post-natal testosterone are more at risk from males than from females. Why? Too many heterosexual males devalue femaleness in comparison to machismo.

Mobs of Social JustUs Whiners screaming from the bully-pulpit should not be given the power to destroy the careers and livelihood of those who value fairness rather than blind, unthinking acceptance of unethical virtue-signaling.

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