Tuesday 13 April 2021

Males Allowed to Sexually Abuse Female Prisoners


Trans "women" in female jails policy "lawful", High Court rules:

It is "lawful" for transgender "women" to be housed in female jails in England and Wales, the High Court has ruled. A female prisoner, known as FDJ, had challenged the Ministry of Justice over aspects of the policy. She claimed she had been sexually assaulted by a trans prisoner but the MoJ did not say whether it accepted this alleged incident had taken place.

The claimant in the case, FDJ, had said she was sexually assaulted in prison in 2017 by a trans woman with a gender recognition certificate (GRC). The "woman" had convictions for serious sexual offences. Her lawyers argued that placing transgender "women" in the female prisons exposed others to higher risk, citing a claim that transgender inmates were five times more likely than non-transgender prisoners to commit a sexual assault on a non-transgender biologically female prisoner.

Lord Justice Holroyd accepted the statistical evidence showed proportion of trans prisoners convicted of sexual offences was "substantially higher" than for non-transgender men [aka biological males] and women prisoners. 

The judge ruled barring all trans "women" from female prisons would ignore their right to live as their chosen gender. [Eff "rights". Legal rights are conferred, not inherent. By all means allow them to cross-dress, wear makeup, whatever pleases them, and protect them from trans-hating biological males, but keep all female-"identifying" biological males with a history of sexual offences separate from vulnerable women. Regardless of the convenience of "self-identification", sexually-offending biological males remain sexually-offending biological males, and thus constitute a threat to females.]

Women's prisons can house inmates who were born male but identify as female, regardless of whether they have gone through any physical transformation or have obtained a gender recognition certificate. [In other words, still biologically and physically male regardless of the gender they conveniently claim to identify as.]

The MoJ argued the policy pursued a legitimate aim, including "facilitating the rights of transgender people to live in and as their acquired gender (and) protecting transgender people's mental and physical health". 

[What about the mental and physical health of biological women? Is that to be subordinated once again to the whims of biological males? Identifying as one's non-biological gender should not eliminate the right of women to be protected from male aggression. If a person has not yet undergone complete physical transformation and is taking female hormones, then they are not trans ex-males. Until that time, they remain biological males and constitute a risk to biological females.]

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